Thursday 3 April 2014

16. Photo Evaluation

I took my first set of photos in my living room, with the room well lit. I asked the subject to stand holding their guitar, and look as if they were playing it. This was the reason that the subject was looking down in the majority of the images I took. This was unconventional for my front cover, so I decided to do a second shoot, where the subject was looking at the camera, so there was eye contact this time. When I decided on a good image for the front cover, I cropped around the subject so that I just had them, so there were no distractions in the background. I took a series of photos of my guitar, some when it was leant against the wall and some when it was laying down. I chose a good image and cropped around it so that I could have a transparent background for my contents page. I went to a local gig to get the images for my double page spread. They're not the clearest of images, but it gives the page a realistic feel from a fans perspective.

Tuesday 25 March 2014

Thursday 23 January 2014

15. Evaluation: Question 7

Question 7
Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

I think I have a better understanding of the simple codes and conventions of a range of magazines. Since the preliminary task, I think that I have gained the ability to connect to an audience and attract a range of readers for a certain genre of magazine. I have learnt a lot of skills along the way, with technology, design and publishing. I can now use InDesign with ease, whereas before, I had struggled to complete basic tasks. I can easily lay out a magazine, with a double page spread and columns. I think that I have come a long way from the preliminary task, as my college magazine compared to my music magazine will show.

15. Evaluation: Question 6

Question 6
What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

I now have a good understanding of many technologies that are used to create media products. For example, I have been using InDesign to create my front cover, contents page and double page spread. I now know how to type text on a path (round a shape or line), create a drop shadow on text and objects, creating a 2 page document with columns, using appropriate texts and making them bolder using the stroke tool. I also gained a better understanding of how to use blogger, and why it was a good web program to use. I now know how to upload text posts, images and embed PowerPoint presentations to my blog. 

15. Evaluation: Question 5

Question 5
How did you attract/address your audience?

To attract and address my audience, I have used dark colours to create my product. This would stereotype the audience as being depressed and dull, rather than bright and happy. Even though this might not be true, I have included these colours as they appeal to my target audience. I have included a little humour in my writing, which also appeals to the target audience and lightens the mood of the magazine. The content of most pages are music related, as this is the overall topic of the magazine. The genre of music I have included is related to rock, indie and alternative music.

I have included competitions in my music magazine, which allows the reader to interact and get involved to win prizes. Including competitions could also attract new readers. I have included links to websites and social network sites, as this would appeal to the target audience. It is very up to date and most things are now online. By keeping up and adding links, it really appeals to teenagers. The other thing I have included that would attract my target audience is fans and readers included in the articles. For example, the fans ask the artists questions, and the readers send in feedback and comments. This would encourage the readers to get involved and send in their own comments and views.

15. Evaluation: Question 4

Question 4
Who would be the audience for your media product?

My ideal target audience would be both genders, mainly aged 14 – 18 years of age. They would have pretty big interest in music (mostly rock, indie and alternative music) and would enjoy reading about it, as well as listening to it. I think that this type of person would spend a lot of time on social networking sites, such as Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr. A typical stereotype for this person would be that they spend a lot of time on their own and is very antisocial, although this may not necessarily be true. I think that they would be friends with people that listen to the same genre of music. 

15. Evaluation: Question 3

Question 3
What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

15. Evaluation: Question 2

Question 2
How does your media product represent particular social groups?

My music magazine represents music loving teens in a typical way. It uses dominant ideas about them to represent the social group in a way that everyone will recognise. My target audience is 14-18 year olds who are interested in indie and rock music. This group of people is my social group and the images I have included relate to them. I have images of;
·      A teenage boy, aged 16, who is wearing a band t-shirt, relating to the bands inside the magazine. He is wearing black skinny jeans, which most people associate with ‘emo’ or ‘rock’. I am really heading towards the second stereotype, although either would work, as they are recognisable. The boy has a casual stance and is holding the guitar in a relaxed way.
·      A famous young adult, in his 20’s, who is wearing a cameo t-shirt (which is most probably from his own clothing brand). He, also, is wearing black skinny jeans which has the same stereotype, due to the person who is wearing them. They are in motion and is singing. In another image, they are stood still, posing for photos. The subject is carrying a microphone.

I have chosen to represent teenagers (readers of this magazine) as positive people. I have tried
to avoid negative stereotypes about teens (e.g. moody, aggressive and anti-social). I think that I
have managed appeal to and represent the reader quite well. This magazine is aimed at both
genders, therefore I have attempted to make my magazine appropriate for both male and
female. I mainly focused on the music content, as people would buy the magazine for the music
content, despite which gender it is aimed at.

15. Evaluation: Question 1 (Powerpoint)

Question 1:
Powerpoint Presentation

14. Final Double Page Spread

14. Final Contents Page

14. Final Front Cover