Monday 11 November 2013

9. Conventions Of Different Genres

Rock and metal magazines contain very similar colours on each of their front covers. These colours are usually red, yellow, black and white. These colours relate to the genre as the front covers are quite dark and mysterious. The text for the main coverline is bold, thick and very noticeable. The coverlines are all pretty noticeable too, with fairly bold text. The image on the front cover is most likely going to be a male artist, rather than a female. This may interest male readers as they may look up the the cover artist, and it would appeal to female readers as they may think that the artists look good. The plugs on the front covers are most likely circular, rather than rectangular. The plugs usually contain a competition to win something.

Colours on the front of indie magazines all follow the same pattern on each magazine cover. The colours used are red, white and black. These colours are very similar to the ones used on rock & metal magazine covers, although there is more white and yellow on indie covers, making it brighter and not so dark. Indie music is a lot softer than metal and rock, so the colours are appropriate and relate to the genre. The text used is bold and thick, making the main coverline and other coverlines stand out from the image. The image on the cover of a indie magazine can be both male and female. This image would appeal to both genders, as there is a variety of images, showing that the magazine isn't sexist. The plugs on an indie cover are both rectangular and circular. They are usually circular when there is a competition or a giveaway, and rectangular when there information to be displayed. 

Pop magazines contain bright, vibrant colours that would be appealing to young teenage girls, and even girls as young as 6 or 7. These colours are pink, purple, yellow and white. They are bright and relate to the genre and the gender of the reader. The text used for the main coverline isn't as bold as some of the other coverlines, although it is still noticeable due to its colour. The other coverlines are bright and bold, making them stand out from the background colours and image. The main cover image will usually be of a male or female artist or group. This would appeal to girls as they would look up to the female artists, and they would possibly think that the male artists look good. The plugs used are bright and crowded, and all shapes and sizes. The front cover as a whole is very busy and filled with coverlines and plugs.

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