Monday 25 November 2013

11. Survey

I created a survey (using Survey Monkey), with the following questions relating to music magazines:

1. Do you read music magazines?

2. If yes, how often do you read music magazines?
3. If yes, which music magazines do you read?
4. How many music magazines can you name?
5. Which music magazines do you think are most appropriate with teenagers (aged 13-19)?
6. Which music magazines do you think are most appropriate with adults (aged 20+)?
7. In your opinion, which is the biggest selling music magazine?
8. What do you think makes music magazines popular?
9. Who do you think the majority of music magazines are aimed at and why?
10. What is your overall opinion on music magazines? Which genres are most appropriate? Which genres are most popular?

I recieved the following responses (from 10 people):

Q1. Do you read music magazines?
Yes: 6
No: 4

Q2. If yes, how often do you read music magazines?
Very Often: 1
Often: 2
Sometimes: 3
Other: 4 (Don’t read them)

Q3. If yes, which music magazines do you read?
Kerrang!: 2
NME: 2
Top Of The Pops:
Classic Rock: 1
Metal Hammer:
Alternative Press:
Rolling Stone: 1
Other: 4 (Don’t read them)

Q4. How many music magazines can you name?
·      Rock Sound, Kerrang!, NME, Alternative Press
·      Kerrang!
·      NME, Metal Hammer, Q, Kerrang!
·      I don’t know
·      See above! (I don’t read them)
·      NME, Kerrang!, Rock Sound
·      Q, Top Of The Pops, Rolling Stone, Classic Rock
·      Q
·      Rolling Stone, NME, Metal Hammer
·      Kerrang!, Rock Sound, NME, Classic Rock, Metal Hammer, Q

Q5. Which music magazine do you think is most popular with teens (aged 13-19)?

Kerrang: 4
NME: 2
Rock Sound: 1
Top Of The Pops: 2
Classic Rock:
Metal Hammer:
Alternative Press: 1
Rolling Stone:

Q6. Which music magazine do you think is most popular with adults (20+)?

Kerrang!: 1
Rock Sound:
Mojo: 1
Q: 2
Top Of The Pops:
Classic Rock: 1
Metal Hammer: 1
Alternative Press:
Rolling Stone: 3

Q7. In your opinion, which is the biggest selling music magazine?

Kerrang!: 4
NME: 3
Rock Sound:
Q: 1
Top Of The Pops:
Classic Rock:
Metal Hammer:
Alternative Press: 1
Rolling Stone: 1

Q8. What do you think makes music magazines popular?

Good music
Relating to what people want
Good articles and reviews
Relevant content
What the readers want
Catchy cover
Popular, well known artists and bands
Decent music
Good coverage of recent music news
Good, informative cover

Q9. Who do you think buys the most music magazines and why?

Teens… to find out about their favourite artists
Teenagers because they have more time to listen to music and read the magazine
Teenagers… because they buy the most music
Teens because they are the most likely to listen to music
Teenagers, because they know all about the new music
Adults, because they are into more serious music magazines and news
Teens as they like to read about celebrities and their lives
I don’t know
Teenagers, as they always have time to sit and read magazines
Teens as they like to find out news about their favourite artists

Q10. What is your overall opinion on music magazines?

I like them
I prefer listening to music than reading about it
I think they are great and can be very informative
They’re good to read
Rock is an appropriate genre, but I think that indie music is popular
I enjoy reading them
I have no overall opinion
I don’t read them, but I think they are good
They are reasonably priced and they often give things away which is good
I think pop is popular
I think that indie music is the most appropriate

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